Thursday, June 5, 2008

Which airline program redemption level is the best?

I have highlight some best redemption value for each program below:
United Airlines:
  • 90K/120K business/first class to from North/Central America to most Asia

  • 90K/120K in business/first class from North/south Asia to Africa
  • 105K/140K business/first class from North America to Asia via(stopover) europe
  • 75K business class from Europe to Africa
  • 20K/30K in economy/business class within/btw China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
  • 20K/30K in economy/business within/btw Australia/New Zealand
  • 20K/40K in economy/business within/btw Australia/New Zealand to Other Oceania Countries
  • 20K/40K in economy/business within Europe
  • 5K within Hawaii on island air
  • 120K in business class from North/Central America to Africa is line with most other US programs such as NW.
American Airlines: as I mentioned, effective Oct1st, 2008. China will change to Asia 2.
  • 70K/90K in business/first from Asia 2 to South Pacific including Easter Island

  • 60K/90K in business/first from Asia 1 and 2 to Middle East

  • 20K/40K in economy/business within Europe

  • 20K economy within countries like Chile (excluding Easter Island), Japan,Argentina,Peru
  • Low season economy to Europe, South America 2 and Asia 1
  • Allow 2 stopovers(1 domestic and 1 international) and 1 openjaw if departs from North America
Northwest Airlines:
  • 25K in Economy within Africa on Kenya Airways
  • 20K/30K in Economy/Business almost anywhere in Asia (can not use Korean Air) and 25K if include CO

  • 35K in economy to some Northern South America counties such as Peru, but no stopover.
  • 40K/60K from Asia to Hawaii excluding Korea Air and Delta
  • Allow 1 stopovers and 1 open jaw excluding some regions
  • 25K/30K in Economy/Business within Asia with one stopover permitted exclude Continental Micronesia Business first.
  • 35K in economy to some Northern South America counties such as Peru
  • 140K/200K in economy /business around the world travel with max 6 stopovers and no max flying miles limit.
  • However, you have to pay what its computer asks u to pay. They may charge you more for some simple round trip and they will tell you “sorry, this routing is not in our system, so you have to pay more” That’s why I consider DL program is the worst one. One more thing, they don't even have non us departure award chart anymore. Ready to rip you off.
  • For travel within lower 48 states and less than 1500 miles, CO has 20K economy, but valid on CO and CO express only
  • 10K in economy for Intra Europe on Air Europa and flybe
  • 25K in economy almost anywhere in Asia exclude Korea Air
  • 35K in economy to some Northern South America counties such as Peru
  • 40K/60K in economy/business from Most Asia countries to Hawaii exclude Korea Air
  • 140K/200K in economy /business around the world travel with max 6 stopovers and no max flying miles limit
US Airways
  • 30K in Economy to Central America and Caribbean.
  • 75K business class from Europe to Africa
  • 20K/30K in economy/business within north Asia, However, its North Asia including more countries than United, such as Hongkong, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
  • 20K/30K in economy/business within South Pacific
  • 40K/60K from North Asia to South Pacific
Alaska Airlines:
  • 10K for one way or 20K for RT within US if booked on
  • 15K for RT within Alaska

British Midland Airways (BMI):
  • you can redeem one way for half of RT miles with a stopover and you can redeem half cash and half miles for the award too.
  • 67.5K in Business from Central and North America to Western Europe countries.

  • 75K in business from Central and North America to rest Europe countries

  • 75K in business from Zone 8 including China to Europe countries except some Western Europe countries.

  • 60K in business from North America to all South America Countries
  • 45K in business from Middle East to South Africa

British Airways:
  • the only deal I found on deal is 20K within a same country. And Easter Island is considered as Chile on BA’s chart, so only 20K can get u a RT from SCL to IPC or v.v.
ANA airline program:

I have mentioned before, click to see detail.

In general, Other programs offers relatively bad accumulation and redemption level, especially those programs in Asia. I do not suggest anyone use any Programs in Asia. Also, you can see UA, US and BM offer better overall value than others for people always go to Asia or Europe, that's maybe why my UA account balance always not high enough

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