Friday, January 9, 2009

21000 Continental Miles with New Chase Checking Account

From frugaltravelguy, earn 21000 miles when opening a new Chase checking account.

here is link, You need to refresh page to get ur own Coupon code.

To get first 10000, uou need a direct deposit from uremployer, SSN or other government benefits within 60 days of account opening.

Too bad, I don't qualify since I don't have payroll.


Anonymous said...

need to pay annual fee

unscheduled said...

you can use etrade for dd.
I use it for dd for BOA and chase checking accounts
always works

Tmtravelworld said...

I don't know Chase will count ACH as direct deposit or not for this promotion unless someone get miles already by doing this way

Anonymous said...

Last year, I use paypal and ING direct for "direct deposit" and it worked. I got 20k CO miles.

Anonymous said...

I just don't know if I can do the same this year.